Welcome to My Library

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You know how it is when you browse a really great library or bookstore?  You wander around looking at book covers, picking things up and reading blurbs and pages, often stumbling across something you hadn't heard of before that somehow is exactly what you need to read...

It's my hope that you feel that way as you wander around my virtual bookshelves.  I have not included reviews for any of these books as they appear in the shelves.  I haven't even alphabetized the books in each section.  That way, you can just look around and see if you notice anything that strikes your fancy.  (I always seem to find something to ponder, explore, enjoy or question when I browse books.)  

Think of my library here as a bookshelf oracle.

I can promise that I have actually read all of the books listed, and recommend each one. (I know, I'm an insane reader.  Join me in my hopeless addiction!)  If you come to visit my house, you'll find many of these books on my actual shelves. (Others stacked on the floor for lack of shelf space.)  There are still others on my kindle, and more returned to one of the five Los Angeles area libraries I regularly frequent.   

Who am I, and why did I start this blog anyway?
Feel free to click on the books to see more about them.  I have linked each one to to its Amazon listing because as much as I love indie bookstores, Amazon is a great database for basically every published volume.  If you purchase one of the books from a link here, I'll get a small commission from the sale as an Amazon Affiliate, and you'll be supporting a really nice  bookworm.  (There's no cost to you.)  Yay!  If you purchase from an indie bookseller, you'll gain book karma points for supporting the little guys.  Yay! And if you check out the book from your local library, please be sure to thank the librarians for all they do.  Yay, librarians!

Someday I'll have a used bookstore piled with copies of all these editions.  The store will also have a friendly  bookstore cat and free coffee for my customers.  Until then, enjoy my virtual library here.  I've hidden a lot of bookish easter eggs, so be sure to click around. 

And please, no comments about any books you see that are shelved in the wrong section.  All the best libraries have that problem...
